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Online Auction Closes July 18
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM EST
Category: Virtual Events / Other

Auction logoSo Nice We're Doing it Twice!

FSAE Foundation Auction with New Items!

Open July 8-18

The FSAE Foundation’s Auction has become one of the places to shop. Where else can you find such incredible items and fantastic trips?!? And now, you can browse and buy those items from the comfort of your living room with the Online Auction!

The Auction opens July 8 and closes Thursday, July 18 at 3:30 PM EST. All bidding is online/mobile, so participate from anywhere - even if you're not attending the FSAE24 Annual Conference! Plus, it’s open to FSAE Members and Non-Members so tell your coworkers, friends & family about the fantastic deals available while supporting professional development and education in the association industry.
